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AUAVS Member Engagement Survey Results

The Australian UAV Service (AUAVS) run a yearly internal survey which asks forty (40) questions of those involved in SLSNSW UAV programs. This survey was posted in February and closed in late February.

This is a key way we engage and listen to the thoughts of our members (volunteers and staff), and we’re very pleased to outline the results of this survey.

The way we do this is outline two things:

  • What we’ve heard: this is taken from our analysis of the survey
  • What we’re doing about it: solution focussed, to confirm what we are already doing to continue the postive feedback outlined in the survey or what we can change or start doing to help resolve issues outlined in the survey
Boomerang Beach for Surfing NSW
A high-performing team of AUAVS Pilots delivered water safety at Boomerang Beach for Surfing NSW

Outcomes of the AUAVS Member Engagement Survey

1. What we heard

We’ve heard that there is so much information required for involvement throughout various SLSNSW UAV programs, from Standard Operating Procedures, to logins, and links and development pathways for new aspects of the program.

1. What we’re doing about it

We’re working on a Member Handbook which will outline all useful things in relation to SLSNSW Australian UAV Service programs, so all you need is in the one place!

2. What we heard

We’ve heard that some process and procedural changes are not making its way to all volunteer members and at times may not be clear. An example of this being how to conduct flight syncing and linking on AVCRM.

2. What we’re doing about it

We’ve brought on board an addition four Full Time UAV Supervisors (six total full time), who amongst their other tasks will spend time working with their respective Branch UAV Coordinators, to share knowledge and provide guidance on topics as required.

3. What we heard

We noted some varied longer term (3+ years) feedback from staff about previous inductions and training programs that highlight areas of improvement and recommend clearer processes.

3. What we’re doing about it

We continue to develop and standardise our internal training programs and have recently released an OIP handbook that outlines a clear content and delivery model to be utilised across the state. We will look to continually review this structure based on feedback from attendees and staff, including through the establishment of instructor chat channels for a collaborative approach. It is promising to note that this has been positively reflected in more recent feedback.

4. What we heard

We noted that there was a number of questions regarding volunteers patrolling during holiday periods when there are staff rostered on seven days per week.

4. What we’re doing about it

We currently have several Clubs across NSW that continue to have volunteers conducting patrols during what has typically been considered paid operating periods examples of these clubs include Yamba and Salt SLSC. We are always open to discussions at a local level with clubs and the local UAV Supervisor to discuss the best options for the club. These could include volunteers operating on all weekends and public holiday, or volunteers being rostered alongside staff members. AUAVS will generate formal documentation on this which will be distributed to Branch UAV Coordinators for dissemination to clubs.

5. What we heard

We heard that a significant motivator for being involved with AUAVS is passion for Surf Life Saving and community service. We understand that many members go above and beyond to commit to their work at AUAVS.

5. What we’re doing about it

We’ve introduced AUAVS awards to formally recognise our members for outstanding conduct and performance. Towards the end of every season, in June, AUAVS will announce the recipients of three awards: Pilot/Operator of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and the People’s Choice Award. Nominations for these awards will be submitted by Branch UAV Coordinators and UAV Supervisors. Nominations for the People Choice Award can be submitted by all those involved with SLSNSW UAV programs. The recipient of the Pilot/Operator of the Year will then be nominated to the Australian Aviation Safety Awards.

6. What we heard

We’ve noted that members are interested in responding to Search and Rescues utilising more advanced UAVs.

6. What we’re doing about it

We are currently working on a Search and Rescue Project, that will have participation from other emergency services, with the aim to generate UAV Search and Rescue Standard Operating Procedures, Training and pathways to upskill members. The project is targeted to be completed prior to the commencement of the 2023/24 Lifesaving Season.

7. What we heard

We’ve noted that while face to face workshops remain a high preference for training delivery, there does exist a variety of preferred learning styles amongst our staff and volunteers, including online pre-recorded content.

7. What we’re doing about it

We are currently developing a series of online pre-recorded training videos to capture these different learning styles and support current face to face programs. We’ll continue to look at alternative models to upskill and train our operators that account for varied learning styles and ensure accessibility for all.

Member Welfare Process;

Outline of Member Welfare Processes

A key piece of feedback we have heard from our members is around the processes involved following a critical incident.

The Australian UAV Service (AUAVS) is committed to lessening the impact of critical incident stress on members, staff and their families by providing best practice support following an incident. The approach above outlines the support to members following critical incidents.

AUAVS Feature on 9 News

AUAVS was proud to be featured on Channel 9, who did a news piece on AUAVS’s increased capabilities with regard to night time UAV operation, thermal technology, weather resistance, and extended Visual Line of Sight distance abilities of the DJI M30T and DJI M300 fleet.

To watch the news piece, click here

Cole Classic in Manly;

Gear and Procedure Update

Post-Summer Stock Take Completed!

Thanks to the local Club UAV Officers, Location Equipment Officers, Branch UAV Coordinators, and UAV Supervisors, stock takes of all service locations following the summer season have been completed, and we are currently resupplying all locations with equipment and consumables to ensure we are well prepared for the next few months.

Note: These are additional items as all sites were maintained at a minimum level even throughout defects during summer.

Recording and Reporting of Turtles and Jellyfish
NSW Government (DPI) have requested if we can please collect footage of, and report via the Wildlife sighting function in AVCRM sightings of jellyfish and turtles. Please:

  • Utilise the same wildlife reporting function in AVCRM as sharks;
  • Try and add a size estimate;
  • Drop to 15min above water and record footage per shark procedure.