These newsletters aim to share updates, learnings, and guidance about our current (and future!) service deliveries. If you wish to subscribe, please email
AUAVS Opens Recruitment for 2022-2023
The Australian UAV Service (AUAVS) is now seeking applications for casual employment across spring, summer, autumn and winter holiday periods across NSW. With a presence in every coastal council, there is a position near you!
The AUAVS are always striving to improve our processes and services. We have therefore made changes to our application process.
Please note applications may take up to four weeks to be processed. The spring operating period will commence on the 25th of September 2022 and end on the 9th of October 2022 at existing sites between Fingal Rovers SLSC & Kiama SLSC.
For staff that have already been re-employed for the 2022-2023 season you will not need to re-apply online.
Please read all the information on our website here and apply now!
NSW Flood Response - July 2022
With the second flood emergency this year, the AUAVS stepped up again to help the SES along with other emergency services to respond to the crisis.
From Liverpool to Maitland, UAV pilots and operators were there to provide eyes in the sky for first responders. UAV flights were live streamed to command centres to provide intel to help plan for welfare checks and supply runs .
While the UAV service was there to support in the response effort, teams were also requested to stay and assist in the transition to the recovery phase. With flights being conducted to help determine subsiding water conditions and the integrity of levees to mitigate the spread of flood waters.
We would like to make it well known to all those who assisted in the flood response, that we greatly appreciate your time and commitment to serving in yet again another natural disaster. You all showed up through the wet conditions with positive morale and exhibited highly professional conduct. This did not go unnoticed by the AUAVS Team, nor the other emergency services who all spoke highly of the work of our pilots. Well done team.
Surf Sports
Over the months of June and July rounds 3,4 & 5 of the Sharkskin IRB Racing series were held at Broulee on the Far South Coast, Ocean Beach on the Central Coast and South West Rocks on the Mid North Coast. A great job was done by all pilots involved. We also explored the possibility of future broadcast work with the media team.
Water Safety delivered at Surfing NSW events held during this time were at the NSW Surfmasters Titles at Boomerang Beach on the Lower North Coast, NSW Bodyboard State Titles at Newcastle Beach, the NSW Junior Shortboard State Titles in the Illawarra and the NSW Grommet State Titles at Maroubra. At each of these events our pilot teams have been averaging around 36 flights and 180 kilometres a day.
Lifesaver Drone Outreach Program
The LDOP 2022 training of the educators has now completed, with the in schools program commencing in the Hunter region with five programs delivered to date
On the 20 – 23rd June, AUAVS Staff attended Rotortech in Brisbane. We were one of the many UAV Services at the event, represented by the Australian Association for Uncrewed Systems (AAUS). The conference was three days of industry expertise, and the opportunity to network with industry professionals to further promote collaboration and improve our service capabilities.
Some highlights of the Rotortech 2022 were;
- Hearing Lexie Janson speak at the AAUS Diversity & Inclusion Breakfast. Lexie gave plenty of eye-opening insight about diversity in the Aviation industry, as well as her experience as an Electric Flying Car Racing Pilot.
- Paul Hardy’s presentation at the AAUS conference to demonstrate the capabilities of AUAVS.
- Networking with other service providers in the industry, particularly in the AI and software development areas.
The main themes of the AAUS Conference at Rotortech included the use of UAV’s in emergency services and wildlife monitoring, data exploitation, and industry challenges and opportunities. As we continue to develop our service capabilities, we look forward to implementing our learnings from Rotortech in the next coming months.